19 is my Number…
The List:
Exited a commercial airliner on an emergency slide
Caught a bat in the shower with a water glass (set it free)
Shot a snake in the attic with a bow and arrow
Piloted a 60 ft yacht through 10 miles of the Inland Waterway
Found a missing piece of jewelry with a prayer to St. Anthony
Saw an NFL QB punch a pedestrian in Harvard Square
Nearly drowned as a baby sitting in the shallow end of the pool
Bit off and swallowed the end of a plastic spoon in my high chair
At home from 4th grade for 6 weeks with a fever, got hooked on 3 soaps
Slept through the collapse of my antique bed in a rental house
Got voted laziest of my graduating high school class
Got locked outside on a 2nd floor gable roof and had to jump for it
Flew off a willow tree rope swing at its highest point of arc
Did an accidental motorcycle wheelie and stepped off the back unhurt
Looked the wrong way and didn’t see de Gaulle on Bastille Day ‘63
Have had 3 cars stolen and had to abandon 3 others in place
Spent a week in Italy knowing I would run out of gas on return, did so
Tannest ever after days on a Nassau beach, a clerk told me to get some sun
Singed off my eyebrows in an explosion involving an old gas stove
You’d think I’d be more humble.